Jamtown John Hayden
Drum Circles
Jamtown John Drum Circle
Jamtown John Hayden will lead drum circles in the morning and late afternoon and host the Well Rounded Percussionist series of workshops from noon to 4PM on Saturday, August 21 in the Rhythm Tent.
Artist bio
John Hayden is an adventure traveler with artisan friends around the world that create rhythm instruments for his company Jamtown. Since 1995 (~25 years!) he facilitates in-the-moment, hands-on rhythm for youth, community and business. He is a Global Certified Trainer of Village Music Circles. He writes & performs kids music with ukulele and Jamtown props - The Howdy Band! He has produced the Northwest Folklife Rhythm Tent Stage since 2004 and teaches hand drum classes weekly. Jamtown award-winning, fair trade products for sale at www.JamtownLive.com Follow JamtownLive rhythm events and travel adventures at Instagram/JamtownLive, FB/JamtownLive.
John Hayden