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John Hayden is an adventure traveler with artisan friends around the world that create rhythm instruments for his company Jamtown®. Since 1995 he promotes in -the-moment & accessible music play for youth, community and business. His daughter Lily, now 11, showed him that none of that stuff works for 2 year old’s. Since then he also writes & performs tots music with ukulele and Jamtown props. He produces the Northwest Folklife ‘Rhythm Tent’ Stage since 2004 and teaches hand drum in Edmonds. Join his event newsletter at www.JamtownLive.com
Musical Space Adventure for Kids featuring the Sun Moon Star Drum
Bring the whole family - INCLUDING the toddlers - for an all ages jam featuring Jamtown fair trade rhythm instruments from around the world. e provide shakers, bells, frogs, sticks and drums. Let's BLAST OFF with rhythmic games and free play focused on the little ones!
INTRO TO DRUM CIRCLE FACILITATION – Arthur Hull and Jon Hayden will be co-presenting a hands-on active seminar on the basics of Drum Circle Facilitation. Bring your drum and percussion instruments to join in with this fun drum circle training experience.
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